
Hamish Gillis | Partner,
LLB (Hons) B.Com (Corp Fin)

T +61 8 8216 190

M +61 417 827 652

E hgillis@ccklawyers.com

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Hamish Gillis

Hamish is a highly regarded commercial litigator.

He regularly advises clients in connection with high-stakes and complex commercial disputes around Australia, and he leads our firm’s dispute resolution team as the Disputes Team Manager.

He was part of the team at our firm that worked tirelessly for years before obtaining judgment orders on behalf of our liquidator clients for amounts exceeding $100 million in BCI Finances Pty Limited (in liq) v Binetter (No 4) [2016] FCA 1351.

More generally, Hamish is engaged to protect the interests of our clients in connection with a broad range of commercial disputes, and often in the areas of financial and complex security arrangements, fraud, corporate insolvency, mining, drilling, construction and engineering, and pastoral and agricultural operations. He also does advisory work in connection risk mitigation, and in all areas of corporate insolvency and construction.

His recent experience in some of these areas includes:

  • For a period recently of approximately 15 months, advising the DOCA proponent and financier in the complex deed administration and restructuring of a substantial gold mining operation in Victoria run by a public company.

  • Acting for Canadian manufacturers of drilling rigs and equipment for the exploration mining industry to protect their interests in connection with the insolvency of competitor companies in Australia.

  • On behalf of one of Australia’s largest meat distributors, successfully having dissolved a NSW Supreme Court injunction which had been restraining the operations at two of its abattoirs.

  • Advising the owner of the substantial assets of an iron ore mine in the Northern Territory in connection with the restart of the mine, in defending proceedings commenced in the Federal Court in Melbourne seeking urgent injunctive relief in connection with those assets, and in the eventual sale of those assets to overseas purchasers.

  • On behalf of a major Italian manufacturer of agricultural machinery, defending and successfully resolving proceedings commenced against it in Australia.

  • Advising the corporate owner of one of the world's largest cattle stations in connection with disputes as to the boundaries of that station.

  • On behalf of one of Australia’s largest pastoral businesses, successfully pursuing recoveries in connection with substantial discrepancies in cattle numbers identified following the purchase of a cattle station in the Northern Territory.

  • On behalf of a company and individuals in Singapore, successfully defending proceedings commenced by an Australian public company in the Supreme Court of New South Wales relating to a complex financial transaction.

  • Obtaining urgent orders in the Federal Court in Adelaide freezing the assets of a hedge fund trading in cryptocurrency thought to be worth approximately $50 million, and investigating a significant fraud in connection with that hedge fund.

Hamish has also been a regular and close advisor to one of South Australia's most prestigious colleges, to one of South Australia's top civil construction companies, and to a successful South Australian business which leases high-end motor vehicles throughout Australia.